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Hello, and Welcome!

If you read nothing else, this is the most important thing I want you to know:
I believe that you are SO WORTHY of meaningful art. Art isn't only for rich people or fancy people or bloggers. Art isn't the icing on the cake for when everything else in your life is perfect. Art matters – what you surround yourself with every day matters. As someone who struggles with anxiety, I know the positive impact art can have first-hand, and I can say with confidence that what you put on the four walls you stare at most can be a real game-changer. You are worthy of meaningful art, and I would be so honored if the special pieces you decide to invest in would be some of mine!

I've been an artist and entrepreneur all my life, beginning with creating my first stationery line when I was five. From there, I took a calligraphy class when I was 10, went to school to be come a graphic designer, graphic designed, worked in advertising, started creating custom wedding invitations, started addressing said invitations, and fell madly in love with lettering (and Dugan). After years of focusing on custom work and event stationery and blogging about my projects, I decided to step out in faith and turn my portfolio blog and custom calligraphy business into an "official" online art shop in 2012. I have a high value of surrounding myself with meaningful and inspiring things, and it's my heart's desire to use the gifts God's blessed me with in order to make meaningful art to delight, comfort and inspire others!

I've been married to Dugan for ten years, and we have two amazing kiddos (Eva Love & Phoenix Brave) and the best dog ever, Lucy. Our world got turned upside down when our daughter Eva was in a terrible accident last summer. You can read about that here. Your support of LL also supports her, and I am eternally grateful.

I love the Lord, my friends, family, authenticity and iced coffee. I'm a tried and true foodie, I love wandering antique malls, outside, exploring fun spots in Sun Prairie & Madison, WI and creating – mostly with iPad or brush in hand, music on, candle going, and more iced coffee. Check out the Blog for the latest, and come say hi over on Instagram – I'd love to meet you!

While LindsayLetters.Co is her heart and soul, Lindsay's Lettering can also be seen on the pages of or products in Hobby Lobby, Primatives by Kathy, Bread & Wine, Cozy Minimalist, The Beautiful Word Bible, Studio Calico, MOMCon, The Nesting Place, Snapfish, Victoria's Secret Style Guide and Swim 2015 Issues, Southern Weddings Magazine, Lulu & Georgia, Emily Ley, Mary & Martha Home, and on the pages of The Cottage Journal and Better Homes & Gardens.