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* This post was originally an email on March 5, 2020 

Rosie Horizon Abstract

Hello, friends,

Lindsay is home and we're happy to report that her recovery is going very well. She experienced some crazy side effects and a lot of fatigue—all to be expected after widespread infection. But the side effects are diminishing and she's steadily regaining energy. I know she appreciates continued prayer as she continues to rest, heal, and go through all of the follow-up appointments. 

(For those of you who might have missed the first email and aren't on social, you can read about what happened in this blog post of the original email.

We don't like dwelling on how scary a couple of those days were, but we remember them enough to be very grateful for this outcome. Thank you for praying, hoping, and believing, and thanks for all the kind messages of support.

Little White Barn II

We've spent a lot of time ruminating on hope and healing these past few months, and here we find ourselves in the season for it. Spring. Easter. New life.

Most of our team lives in the Midwest, where Spring is never a straightforward affair. Last Sunday I wore a dress and no jacket, basking in the warmth of 62 degrees. The next day I walked my son to school with freezing-hail-snow bouncing off the sidewalk like styrofoam. Nature has to undergo such a dramatic transformation to get from freezing temperatures to green summer days. It isn't always a graceful transition, but it is an awe-inspiring one.

Waterfall Abstract

You'll be seeing some exciting new things in the shop later this month, as Lindsay wraps up creation of a brand new collection, coming late this month. She's created some really beautiful and meaningful new pieces that we can't wait to share with you.

In the meantime, our art director Laura curated some perennial favorites for this winter-to-spring transition. I asked the team if they'd each share their current favorite from the Spring Picks Collection, which I've been scattering through this email.

The piece I'm feeling most for this Spring is Lindsay's Little White Barn Abstract II (two above). Laura's selection (above) is Waterfall Abstract. Beth's is Bouquet Abstract and Melissa's is Milk & Honey (pictured together below).

Bouquet Abstract

I put Lindsay's pick at the top of this email: Rosie Horizon Abstract. Isn't it an amazing piece? It fills me with a sense of calm anticipation. There's a beautiful story behind it, too, which you can read in the "about" dropdown in the product listing.

We hope you enjoy browsing the Spring Picks Collection and finding something to freshen your space for the new season.

We don't have any control over how many snowfalls are left or what the sun is doing day-to-day—or really over much of anything, really. But we do have control over what we put on our walls, and we really believe in the impact that art can have on our hearts, minds, and well-being.

The LL Team
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Please Pray for Lindsay
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A Message from Lindsay // The Wellspring Collection
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